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Showing posts from August, 2018

Is free will real or just an illusion?

Today's big question is "is free will real or just an illusion?" This blog is lucky in that it tackles big questions from two angles: snakes, and the economy. This allows for a more holistic evaluation of the daily question, and will be especially helpful for today's post. So, let's slip-n-slide into this bitch. Free will (noun): the power of acting without the constraint of necessity or fate; the ability to act at one's own discretion. Before we dive into whether humans have free will, let's examine the lives of snakes. Snakes are my gorgeous wife, and I treasure them. At first glance, you think that they're free because they aren't bound by the shackles of capitalism. But are they truly free? After all, snakes are all just lizard tails that have fallen off, and then grew into a separate organism. I was in a class in which I discussed the topic of free will for several hours, but since none of the other people in there were well versed ...