Existence is meaningless. This core belief of nihilism, the thought-child of Nietzsche, at first appears depressing. It appears depressing because it is. Believing that life is meaningless can, for quite obvious reasons, cause feelings of depression and despair. After all, if nothing has meaning, what is the point of doing anything? However, once you have successfully detached yourself from anything connecting you to the world or society, life becomes so much easier. You no longer must care about the thoughts or feelings of others. Instead, every decision you make doesn't matter, so why not live life to the fullest? Take a risk, try something new, whisper sweetly to a night snake (more on that in a moment). In this post I thought to give you some New year's resolutions to give your life meaning, on your quest to living a life void of meaning. "Do something every day that scares you" I'm not talking about facing normie fears like spiders or the dark, yo...
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